In an IRB session, I can use cb
(change binding) to enter an object, but how do I get out? If I use exit
it exits the entire IRB session.
$ irb
❯ o =
=> #<Object:0x007fc8a32258a8>
❯ cb(o)
=> #<Object:0x007fc8a32258a8>
❯ self
=> #<Object:0x007fc8a32258a8>
❯ exit
For that matter, how do I continue navigating objects once I've started? I've found I can access the cb
method from whichever object I'm in by first extending IRB::ExtendCommandBundle
, but is there a less tedious way?
Your best bet might be to use pry instead. It's a very powerful debugger that can also be used for most of the things irb is used for. I use it for inspecting my code and objects in rails apps.
Get it with gem install pry
Then you can do this:
$ pry
[1] pry(main)> cd ""
[2] pry(""):1> self
=> ""
[3] pry(""):1> exit
=> ""
[4] pry(main)> exit
Along with much, much more.