I am trying to create a running total using OVER ( PARTITION BY ) to create a running total.
My original query:
SELECT DATEPART(MONTH, t.received_date) AS [Month],
DATEPART(YEAR, t.received_date) AS [Year],
SUM(rdai.number_of_pages) AS [Count]
FROM dbo.request_document_additonal_information AS [rdai]
INNER JOIN #TempRequestIDs AS [t]
ON rdai.request_id = t.id
GROUP BY DATEPART(MONTH, t.received_date),
DATEPART(YEAR, t.received_date)
And the results:
Month Year Count
10 2015 1202342
11 2015 1059471
12 2015 1142629
1 2016 1081412
2 2016 1181385
3 2016 1334966
My goal is to create a running sub-total for each month and my attempt to do so:
SELECT DATEPART(MONTH, t.received_date) AS [Month],
DATEPART(YEAR, t.received_date) AS [Year],
SUM(rdai.number_of_pages) AS [Count]
,SUM(rdai.number_of_pages) OVER (PARTITION BY DATEPART(MONTH, t.received_date), DATEPART(YEAR, t.received_date)
ORDER BY DATEPART(MONTH, t.received_date), DATEPART(YEAR, t.received_date)
) as [RunningTotal]
FROM dbo.request_document_additonal_information AS [rdai]
INNER JOIN #TempRequestIDs AS [t]
ON rdai.request_id = t.id
GROUP BY DATEPART(MONTH, t.received_date),
DATEPART(YEAR, t.received_date)
But the error returned states:
Column 'dbo.request_document_additonal_information.number_of_pages' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
And if I add GROUP BY .... rdai.number_of_pages
, the running total is listed but it is the same number for all the columns.
Could I get some assistance on where I am going wrong using this Windowed function?
One option is to nest your original query
Select A.*
,RunningTotal = sum(count) over (Order by Year ,Month)
From (
SELECT DATEPART(MONTH, t.received_date) AS [Month],
DATEPART(YEAR, t.received_date) AS [Year],
SUM(rdai.number_of_pages) AS [Count]
FROM dbo.request_document_additonal_information AS [rdai]
INNER JOIN #TempRequestIDs AS [t]
ON rdai.request_id = t.id
GROUP BY DATEPART(MONTH, t.received_date),
DATEPART(YEAR, t.received_date)
) A
ORDER BY Year,Month;