I'm trying to add a new database device using SAP ASE Cockpit Database Creation Wizard.
The script issued behind the wizard is the following:
set quoted_identifier on
USE master
disk init name='COMERCIO', physname='C:\SAP\data\COMERCIO.dat', size='100M', cntrltype=0,vdevno=5, dsync=false, directio=true, skip_alloc= true
set quoted_identifier off
But it only shows me the following error:
"JZ0PA: The query has been cancelled and the response discarded"
My environment is a Test machine running Windows 7 x64. I have plenty of hard disk space and I have an Administrative Account available. Also, I have "Full Control" privileges in the 'C:\SAP\data\' directory folder.
The server Log does not show any particular remark pointing to this issue, the only thing that records is the following:
00:0006:00000:00033:2017/01/23 11:49:52.69 kernel warning: Ignoring the 'skip_alloc' option for device "Ф ", as it is not applicable to the special devices.
Any ideas?
I finally solved the problem. Here is what I did:
From the very beginning I suspected a permissions problem. I suspected the user at the prompt, the SA account and even suspected not to have enough/right file writing permissions at some level.
I had to uninstall the Sybase ASE engine completely and started all over again. This time:
a. First of all, created an user with Local Administrator privileges, only to run Sybase's Services. b. Created a folder reserved to hold Sybase's Devices. Tested first if it was possible to fully read/write everything in that folder using the account created in step a. c. Installed Sybase ASE 16.0 SP2. At the step indicated by the installer, choosed the the account created in step a to be responsible of Sybase Services. d. Done.
Thanks to the people who took the time and effort to read this post.