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How to get `filter not exists` query working with ARC2?

I have an ARC2 based RDF store setup and filled with some data. The following query returns the expected results (all URIs of things of type vcard:Individual or foaf:Person) when I run it without the FILTER NOT EXISTS part:

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX vcard: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX app: <>

SELECT ?person
  ?person rdf:type ?type .
  FILTER (?type = vcard:Individual || ?type = foaf:Person)
    ?person app:id ?id

When I try to exclude those things having the app:id property by running the full query, it fails with the following message:

Incomplete FILTER in ARC2_SPARQLPlusParser
Incomplete or invalid Group Graph pattern. Could not handle &quot;        FILTER NOT EXISTS {   &quot; in ARC2_SPARQLPlusParser

When testing the query in the query validator on, there are no issues. Is there something wrong with my query that I am missing or is this a shortcoming of ARC2?

Can you think of an alternative query that I can try with ARC2 to get the desired result?


  • ARC2 does not support SPARQL 1.1, thus, you have to use the common OPTIONAL-FILTER(!BOUND()) pattern:

    PREFIX rdf: <>
    PREFIX vcard: <>
    PREFIX foaf: <>
    PREFIX app: <>
    SELECT ?person
    WHERE {
      ?person rdf:type ?type .
      FILTER (?type = vcard:Individual || ?type = foaf:Person)
      OPTIONAL {
        ?person app:id ?id
      FILTER ( !BOUND(?id) ) 