I have an HDFStore where i enter data every night. I am wondering if system crash etc, i might rerun processes so I want to make sure that if a row already exists that pandas doesnt include this the next time the process is run. Is there a way to look for duplicates and not include them?
If you have a unique index in your HDFStore you can use the following approach:
create sample DF:
In [34]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(5,3), columns=list('abc'))
In [35]: df
a b c
0 0.407144 0.972121 0.462502
1 0.044768 0.165924 0.852705
2 0.703686 0.156382 0.066925
3 0.912794 0.362916 0.866779
4 0.156249 0.625272 0.360799
save it to HDFStore:
In [36]: store = pd.HDFStore(r'd:/temp/t.h5')
In [37]: store.append('test', df, format='t')
Add a new row to our DF:
In [38]: df.loc[len(df)] = [-1, -1, -1]
In [39]: df
a b c
0 0.407144 0.972121 0.462502
1 0.044768 0.165924 0.852705
2 0.703686 0.156382 0.066925
3 0.912794 0.362916 0.866779
4 0.156249 0.625272 0.360799
5 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 # new row, which is NOT in the HDF file
select indices of duplicated rows:
In [40]: idx = store.select('test', where="index in df.index", columns=['index']).index
In [41]: df.query("index not in @idx")
a b c
5 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0
append to HDFStore only those rows, which weren't yet saved:
In [42]: store.append('test', df.query("index not in @idx"), format='t')
In [43]: store.select('test')
a b c
0 0.407144 0.972121 0.462502
1 0.044768 0.165924 0.852705
2 0.703686 0.156382 0.066925
3 0.912794 0.362916 0.866779
4 0.156249 0.625272 0.360799
5 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 # new row has been added