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Talend Convert string to Float

I am using Talend to make an ETL project. To convert my string to Double, i use Float.parseFloat(row4.Exportation2.trim()) This the error that it gives me. This is how my data looks like "766,9997474" "1 345,43" in the exportation2 Does anyone have an idea why ?

Démarrage du job ConvertString a 14:03 27/01/2017.
Exception in component tMap_1
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "23,4897452"
at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.parseDouble(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Double.parseDouble(Unknown Source)
at last.convertstring_0_1.ConvertString.tFileInputDelimited_1Process(
at last.convertstring_0_1.ConvertString.runJobInTOS(
at last.convertstring_0_1.ConvertString.main(
[statistics] connecting to socket on port 3464
[statistics] connected
[statistics] disconnected
Job ConvertString terminé à 14:03 27/01/2017. [Code sortie=1]


  • Multiple problems here :

    • If you want to convert from String to Double you should use Double.parseDouble().
    • "," is not the expected char : it should be "." : You will have to convert "," char to "." char : if your input comes from an excel or delimited file, you can set this option on the advanced settings of tFileInput component ("advanced separator"). Otherwise you should use yourString.replaceAll(",", "."))

    • there is a non-standard space in the String that you should replace with yourString.replaceAll(" ", ""))