Hey I'm trying to call a procedure which takes two parameters in and both of them should be taken from user.So i came up with this code which is not working.(I'm working with SQL Developer)
create or replace procedure upd( x in binary_double , y in char) as
res binary_double;
dbms_output.put_line('Hello World');
/*User input and calling of function*/
accept X binary_double prompt 'Enter percentage X (lower case)';
accept Y char(2) prompt 'Enter product type (lower case)';
call upd(&X, &Y);
It gives following error after prompting twice for input
old:call upd(&X, &Y)
new:call upd(12, a)
Error starting at line 69 in command:
call upd(&X, &Y)
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-06576: not a valid function or procedure name
06576. 00000 - "not a valid function or procedure name"
*Cause: Could not find a function (if an INTO clause was present) or
a procedure (if the statement did not have an INTO clause) to
*Action: Change the statement to invoke a function or procedure
It works smoothly if I call the procedure like this " call upd(&X,'a') " but fails miserably if i call it in above manner.So question is why this happens and how to get rid of it ?
Firstly, accept
doesn't let you specify char length, just a SQL*Plus style format, so the prompt should be:
accept Y char format a2 prompt 'Enter product type (lower case): '
(I prefer to end each prompt with a colon and blank space as it makes it clearer for the person entering a value, but it's up to you.)
Secondly, you need to quote string values. Try this:
call upd(&X, '&Y')