Can I put function as value somehow for ngModel
? I want to set the value later for my input (so I expect, when I change the entity
value, the model to be updated), that's why I want to check before if it exists or not, hence the function. I have the following and it's not working:
selector: 'string-editor',
template: `
[(ngModel)]="getValue()" />
export class StringEditor {
@Input() public propertyName: string;
@Input() public entity: any;
getValue() {
return this.entity ? this.entity[this.propertyName] : ''
You can't pass a function to [(ngModel)]
but you can split the binding and do the checks in the binding like
[ngModel]="entity ? entity[propertyName] : null"
(ngModelChange)="entity && propertyName ? entity[propertyname] = $event: null"