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Selenium takes > minute between commands

Selenium seems to be pausing for about a minute between each step (I haven't seen less than 60 seconds). Even steps that should be simple (like setSpeed) run at the same rate.

However, when I use the PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase class, I am able to run tests at normal speed. (Also, the slow steps run fine on a coworker's computer.)

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

Here is the slow test:

debug_time(); // 0

require_once 'Testing/Selenium.php';
debug_time(); // 1

$s = new Testing_Selenium('*firefox', "");
debug_time(); // 2

debug_time(); // 3

debug_time(); // 4

echo "\n";
debug_time(); // 5

debug_time(); // 6

debug_time(); // 7

echo "done";

Here is the output for the slow test:

0 => 18:01:54.44488 (+ 0.00000)
1 => 18:01:54.45478 (+ 0.00990)
2 => 18:01:54.45645 (+ 0.00167)
3 => 18:02:54.97334 (+ 60.51688)
4 => 18:04:03.59346 (+ 68.62013)
5 => 18:05:04.11214 (+ 60.51867)
6 => 18:06:05.83747 (+ 61.72534)
7 => 18:07:06.63492 (+ 60.79744)

Here is the fast test, taken from the PHPUnit manual:

require_once 'PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase.php';

class WebTest extends PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase
    protected function setUp()

    public function testTitle()
        $this->assertTitleEquals('Example Web Page');


  • The same here. Downgrade to Testing_Selenium-0.4.3 helped. Trying to find the reason. May be PHP5.3?