def change_image_labels(feed_data)
for data in feed_data
img = Image::read(@tmpdir_file_path+"/#{data[0]}.png").first.resize(600,600)
redback = Image::read("#{Rails.root}/tmp/redback.png")[0]
txt =
txt.gravity = Magick::WestGravity
txt.pointsize = 50
txt.fill = "#ffffff"
txt.font_family = 'helvetica'
txt.font_weight = Magick::BoldWeight
img = img.composite(redback, 0, 30, AtopCompositeOp)
Here I am trying to annotate an image with reb background with a text.
Here `redback.annotate(txt,0,0,0,0,data[2]` `data[2]` refers to the text which contains data like 92% OFF. I want to make it bold.
Please refer to below images-
Actual Result-
Desired Result (Boldness)-
As you can the second image contains a text which is more bold.
Please help.
I couldn't get helvetica to look bold with Rmagick. Your best bet might be to download a bolder font, copy it to your Rails project and tell RMagick to use it :
txt.font = "#{Rails.root}/lib/fonts/[font filename].ttf"
If you're very careful, you could make the text bolder (but possibly uglier) with :
txt.stroke_width = 1 # <-- adjust this parameter
txt.stroke = "#ffffff"
txt.stroke_antialias true