I have a Treeview created in virtual mode which have 4 levels of nodes and at the page load the root element and first level elements are loaded and rest will be loaded based on dynamically using treeFolderList_VirtualModeCreateChildren
This is what I have so far
protected void treeFolderList_VirtualModeCreateChildren(object source, TreeViewVirtualModeCreateChildrenEventArgs e)
List<TreeViewVirtualNode> children = new List<TreeViewVirtualNode>();
if (e.NodeName == null)
AppendChildNode(children, "root", "All Domains", false);
if (e.NodeName.Contains("root"))
PopulateChildNodes(false, children);
if (!(e.NodeName.StartsWith("u_")))
PopulateUserChildNodes(false, children, GetDomainBase(e.NodeName), e.NodeName);
TreeViewVirtualNode tvNode = (TreeViewVirtualNode)treeFolderList.Nodes.FindByName(e.NodeName);
TreeViewVirtualNode tvNodeParent = (TreeViewVirtualNode)tvNode.Parent;
string tvParentNodeName = tvNodeParent.Name;
PopulateUserChildNodes(true, children, GetDomainBase(tvParentNodeName), e.NodeName);
e.Children = children;
This work as expected and it creates the children elements when expanding nodes respectively. My problem is I have check boxes for each node and I need to be able to save the Treeview
in a way when I reload/redirect to the page it would reflect the nodes I have selected.
Is there a way to achieve this?
There are several ways to try to achieve this:
Configure ASPxTreeList.SettingsCookies element (probably the easiest solution), in particular the StoreSelection attribute:
<dvx:ASPxTreeList ... >
<SettingsCookies Enabled="true" StoreSelection="true" />
If SettingsCookies doesn't work try saving and restoring the TreeList layout manually using ASPxTreeList.ClientLayout event. Define the event handler first:
<dvx:ASPxTreeList OnClientLayout="dvxTreeList_ClientLayout"... >
and follow the example in the doc to handle this event. This way ASPxTreeView as well as the ASPxGridView provide the node/column format data in the e.LayoutData
string which can be saved to DB and then restored back.
Store the TreeView selected node keys in Session and restore them using callbacks:
Example: ASPxTreeList - How to store the selection between requests
I personally would not rely on cookies and would try methods #2 and #3 first. #2 has been working nicely for me with ASPxGridView and #3 we use in a complex ASPxTreeView setup which also tracks the selection of hidden nodes.
I hope the examples in the linked docs should be easy enough for you to copy and modify. If not, comment what is not working for you.