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Slick 3.0 Update Row Based on a Condition

I have the following method that actually updates the database row against a table. It first checks for an entry if it exists with a certain condition and only if it exists, it updates the corresponding row. So effectively, there are two calls being made to the database. I would like to avoid having two calls sent to the database. So here is the code:

  def confirmUserRegistration(hash: String) = async {
    val query = UserRegistrationTable.registrationForHash(hash)
    val isRowAvailable = await(
    if (isRowAvailable.isDefined) {
      // do the update
    } else {
    // do nothing and return

The UserRegistrationTable.registrationForHash(hash) query looks like this:

  object UserRegistrationTable {

    val all = TableQuery[UserRegistrationTable]

    val registrationForHash = (hash: String) => {
      all.filter(_.registrationHash === hash)

So how can I optimize my service to issue only one call to the database?

EDIT: Updated with the feedback given by the post below:

Here is how my method looks:

  def confirmUserRegistration(hash: String) = async {
    val query = {

    val isUpdated: Int = await(



  • Just use the following update:

    val updateOperation: DBIO[Int] = all
        .filter(_.registrationHash === hash)
        .map(u => (u.field1, u.field2, u.field3))
        .update((newValue1, newValue2, newValue3))

    Notice that updateResult above is DBIO containing Int - being the number of updated rows.

    So you can do: { updatedRows =>
         if(updatedRows >= 0) {
             // at least one row was affected, return something here
         } else {
             // nothing got updated, return something here

    In case you wanted to updated whole row you could use your case class but I doubt that is what you want:

    val userRegistration: UserRegistrationCaseClass = ...
    val updateOperation: DBIO[Int] = all
        .filter(_.registrationHash === hash)