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Upload image on server and add file path inside image tag using quilljs

I am using quilljs for my editor. All my data are handle by mysql database. I am using Angularjs 1.x and for backend Cakephp is my frame-work. I am currently trying to build a forum kind of page in which I want to save multiple images along with text which will be formatted using quilljs

<p>sd<img src="....SUVORK5CYII=" alt="i am image"><b>it is image of earth</b></p>

This is what currently storing in my database. Now if there is multiple big images come in then size of field will be too much high there for I want to upload image inside severside folder and want to print image address inside image tag like:

 <p>sd<img src="../img/709f2d0be9d13c645037f1b9bb066b00a6d7/image1.jpg" alt="i am image"><b>it is image of earth</b></p>

So I can fetch image directly from given folder.


  • i have done small trick with quilljs. i have put some code inside quilljs which send image toward my php script on line number 8663 after if (typeof value === 'string') this statement i have added script which sends image value to my php script

    var img = {
                    'img' : value
                        url: "../Writers/writerCertificateupload",
                        data: img, 
                        contentType: undefined,
                        type: 'post'
                    node.setAttribute('src', path);

    where node.setAttribute('src', path); sets path which i am returning from php script it sets it on image tag i.e <img src="../img/709f2d0be9d13c645037f1b9bb066b00a6d7/image1.jpg"> and then it sets it inside editor and then we can save that data within editor. this is how i have solve this problem.

    my php code is

            public function writerCertificateupload()//pending
                $id = $this->Auth->user('id');
                define('UPLOAD_DIR', 'files/post/');
                $img = $_POST['img'];
                $img = str_replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', '', $img);
                $img = str_replace(' ', '+', $img);
                $data = base64_decode($img);
                $file = UPLOAD_DIR . uniqid() . '.jpg';
                $success = file_put_contents($file, $data);
                $file = "../".$file;
                print $success ? $file : 'Unable to save the file.';