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WSO2AM with WSO2DAS - null apiPublisher for API_DESTINATION_SUMMARY

Connecting wso2am-2.0.0 and wso2am-analytics-2.0.0 on PGSQL (9.5) database (having common WSO2AM_STATS_DB database), we receive a following exception:

TID: [-1] [] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.ntask.core.impl.TaskQuartzJobAdapter} -  Error in executing task: Error while saving dat
a to the table API_DESTINATION_SUMMARY : Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 0 in stage 54296.0 failed 1 times, most recent failure: Lost task 0.0
in stage 54296.0 (TID 50425, localhost): java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Batch entry 0 INSERT INTO API_DESTINATION_SUMMARY (api, version, apiPublisher,
 context, destination, total_request_count, hostName, year, month, day, time) VALUES ('test01', 'v1.0.0', NULL, '/test/v1.0.0', '', 1, 'wso2apimgr3', 2017, 1, 26, '2017-01-26 15:59') ON CONFLICT (api,version,apiPublisher,context,destination,hostName,year,month,day) DO U
PDATE SET total_request_count=EXCLUDED.total_request_count, time=EXCLUDED.time was aborted: ERROR: null value in column "apipublisher" violates not-nu
ll constraint

full exception is here.

According to the logs the direct cause is that the apipublisher field is null what should not happen.

So now I have a few questions:

How do I prevent that? How do I configure the apipublisher value?. And How do I get rid of the invalid data

Thank you for any hint


  • There is a reported issue for this. You can apply the fix mentioned in the jira ticket.