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Cluster sequences of strings in R

I have to following data:

attributes <- c("apple-water-orange", "apple-water", "apple-orange", "coffee", "coffee-croissant", "green-red-yellow", "green-red-blue", "green-red","black-white","black-white-purple")

1  apple-water-orange
2         apple-water
3        apple-orange
4              coffee
5    coffee-croissant
6    green-red-yellow
7      green-red-blue
8           green-red
9         black-white
10 black-white-purple

What I want is another column, that assigns a category to each row, based on observation similarity.

category <- c(1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4)
df <-, category))

       attributes     category
1  apple-water-orange        1
2         apple-water        1
3        apple-orange        1
4              coffee        2
5    coffee-croissant        2
6    green-red-yellow        3
7      green-red-blue        3
8           green-red        3
9         black-white        4
10 black-white-purple        4

It is clustering in the broader sense, but I think most clustering methods are for numeric data only and one-hot-encoding has a lot of disadvantages (thats what I read on the internet).

Does anyone have an idea how to do this task? Maybe some word-matching approaches?

It would be also great if I could adjust degree of similarity (rough vs. decent "clustering") based on a parameter.

Thanks in advance for any idea!


  • So I have whipped up two possibilities. Option 1: uses "one-hot-encoding" which is simple and straight forward so long as apple/apples are equally different from apple/orange, for example. I use the Jaccard index for the distance metric because it does reasonably well with overlapping sets. Option 2: Uses a local sequence alignment algorithm and should be quite robust against things like apple/apples vs. apple/orange, it will also have more tuning parameters which could take time to optimize for your problem.

    attributes <- c("apple-water-orange", "apple-water", "apple-orange", "coffee", 
                    "coffee-croissant", "green-red-yellow", "green-red-blue", 
    dat <- data.frame(attr=attributes, row.names = paste("id", seq_along(attributes), sep=""))
    attributesList <- strsplit(attributes, "-")
    df <- data.frame(id=paste("id", rep(seq_along(attributesList), sapply(attributesList, length)), sep=""), 
    df.wide <- dcast(data=df, word ~ id, length)
    rownames(df.wide) <- df.wide[, 1] 
    df.wide <- as.matrix(df.wide[, -1])
    df.dist <- dist(t(df.wide), method="jaccard")
    abline(h=c(0.6, 0.8))
    heatmap.2(df.wide, trace="none", col=rev(heat.colors(15)))
    res <- merge(dat, data.frame(cat1=cutree(hclust(df.dist), h=0.8)), by="row.names")
    res <- merge(res, data.frame(cat2=cutree(hclust(df.dist), h=0.6)), by.y="row.names", by.x="Row.names")

    You'll see you can control the granularity of the categorization by adjusting where you cut the dendrogram.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Here is a method using the "Smith-Waterman" alignment (local) alignment

    Biostrings is part of the Bioconductor project. The SW algorithm finds the optimal local (non-end-to-end) alignment of two sequences (strings). In this case you can again use cutree to set your categories but you can also tune the scoring function to suit your needs.

    strList <- lapply(attributes, BString)
    swDist <- matrix(apply(expand.grid(seq_along(strList), seq_along(strList)), 1, function(x) {
      pairwiseAlignment(strList[[x[1]]], strList[[x[2]]], type="local")@score
    }), nrow = 10)
    heatmap.2(swDist, trace="none", col = rev(heat.colors(15)),
              labRow = paste("id", 1:10, sep=""), labCol = paste("id", 1:10, sep=""))

    enter image description here