I'm having issues with Powershell 5 classes and object types when reimporting deserialized objects using the Import-CliXml command.
I have an object of type Computer and I wish to store this as xml and then reimport this next time the script is run
class Computer
Computer([String] $hostname, [String] $ipAddress)
$this.hostname = $hostname
$this.ipAddress = $ipAddress
static [Computer] reserialize([PSObject] $deserializedComputer)
return [Computer]::new($deserializedComputer.hostname, $deserializedComputer.ipAddress)
I export and import the object using the following:
$computer = [Computer]::new("test-machine", "")
$computer | Export-CliXml C:\Powershell\exportTest.xml
$deserializedComputer = Import-CliXml C:\Powershell\exportTest.xml
I understand that when this object is reimported that it is deserialized and is basically just a data container (of type [Deserialized.Computer]). I'm trying to figure out how to type check this object before I try and reserialize it using my reserialize method.
For example if I try and cast $deserializedComputer it tells me that:
Cannot convert value "Computer" to type "Computer". Error: "Cannot convert the "Computer" value of type "Deserialized.Computer" to type
I understand why this can't be casted, I'm just using the error message to point out that the object has knowledge that it's of type [Deserialized.Computer]
I can find nothing returned from $deserializedComputer.getMember() that indicates that it is of type [Deserialized.Computer], the only information I can find is that it's of type [PSObject], how can I type check that this object is indeed of type [Deserialized.Computer]?
I should add that type [Deserialized.Computer] doesn't exist at run-time so I can't use this directly in my code, otherwise I would simply use:
$deserializedComputer.getType() -eq [Deserialized.Computer]
Use (Hint: gm is the alias for Get-Member)
$type = $deserializedComputer | gm | Select -Property TypeName -First 1
then you should be able to access the value like
You can also type check to ensure that it is a Computer by using
Or if you want another way use
You can check it by using the following
# you can also use $deserializedComputer.ToString() -eq [Computer].ToString()
if ([type]$deserializedComputer.ToString() -eq [Computer])
Your Full class would look something like:
class Computer
Computer([String] $hostname, [String] $ipAddress)
$this.hostname = $hostname
$this.ipAddress = $ipAddress
static [Computer] reserialize([PSObject] $deserializedComputer)
# you can also use $deserializedComputer.ToString() -eq [Computer].ToString()
if ([type]$deserializedComputer.ToString() -eq [Computer])
return [Computer]::new($deserializedComputer.hostname, $deserializedComputer.ipAddress)
return [Computer]::new()
And Exporting/Importing
$filePath = "C:\Powershell\exportTest.xml"
$computer = [Computer]::new("test-machine", "")
$computer | Export-CliXml $filePath
$deserializedComputer = Import-CliXml $filePath
And Reserialize method