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how can I tell if `hg convert` is actually doing anything?

I'm using Mercurial on Win32 (Server 03). I'd like to copy a Subversion repo on my local drive to a Mercurial repo on my local drive so that I can test the merging abilities of mercurial vs subversion.

Is hg convert the right command to use?

After I do this: "c:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\hg.exe" convert c:\dev\SubversionRepo\MyRepo -r 123456 -s svn c:\devhg\MyRepo_123456

I get a message that says:

8 Created MyRepo branch again as a copy from  http://.../Branches/SourceRepo. 
There was another MyRepo  branch in this same location that was deleted.

OK now I'm nervous. Branch in this location that was deleted? Nooo I don't want to be deleting branches.

And now the convert command seems stalled. There are no files being created in c:\devhg\MyRepo_123456 beyond the basic .hg folder. Am I doing this wrong?


    1. you should use '--debug' switch to see what's happening.

    2. you should understand that hg convert can spend a long time working on that first entry. The number on the line is how many more it has to do. If that number is 600, well you got a wait ahead of you.

    3. each line next to the number is the comment for that commit, not any sort of status message from the hg convert command.

    4. hg convert only produces the set of changes for the repository, not any actual files. So almost all of the output will be in the .hg folder.

    Do a fresh start by removing every thing and use "hg convert" only once. This creates a mercurial repo that you can work from, make changes and then push the changes to subversion repo.
