I have few files kept on server folder and their path is stored in database table hwhic looks like this
Table Name: student_file
id name file
1 abc asd/fgh/abc.docx
2 def asd/fgh/def.pdf
3 ghi asd/fgh/ghi.doc
I have fetched data from the above table(student_file) and displayed in a tabular form where 'download' will be a link or a button that looks like this
abc download
def download
ghi download
Now i want that if user clicks on first download then file of abc should get downloaded and same with 2nd and 3rd.
The code that i have used is downloading the file but when i am trying to open the downloaded file on my system it is saying file not downloaded properly.
<a href="<?php echo base_url()?>admin/download/1">Download</a>
public function download($id)
$data['download'] = $this->admin_model->get_download_data($id);
public function get_download_data($id)
$data = $this->db->get('student_file');
$student_data = $data->row();
$student_file = $student_data->file;
$ext = substr($student_file, strpos($student_file, ".") + 1);
$path = 'www.xyz.com/';
$file = $path . $student_file;
Can anyone please tell how i can download these files properly using codeigniter
I think you can easily do like this,
<a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>path/to/file/abc.docx" target="_blank" ></a>
<a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>path/to/file/def.pdf" target="_blank" ></a>
<a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>path/to/file/ghi.docx" target="_blank" ></a>