I state my problem by example. In fact i foudna solution after trying in many ways but i would like to ask whether this solution is good or if for any reason it is better to use an alternative approach. In fact i need to control how elements are created.
i first made a view containing all the data i needed and then i selected from teh view by joining the view more times.
I reproduced the "complexity" here using a local variable instead of a view:
DECLARE @Employees table(
Name nvarchar(50),
Surname nvarchar(50),
DateOfBirth date,
DepartmentID int,
AccessLevel int);
insert into @Employees values ('1', 'John','Doe','1980-01-31',100,5)
insert into @Employees values ('2', 'Mary','Rose','1971-02-27',102,3)
insert into @Employees values ('3', 'Luke','Perry','1995-12-01',104,1)
This is the desired result (employee, department and security are differeent elements - my problem was to create employee department and security just like in this example):
<employee Name="John" Surname="Doe" DateOfBirth="1980-01-31">
<department DepartmentID="100">
<security AccessLevel="5" />
<employee Name="Mary" Surname="Rose" DateOfBirth="1971-02-27">
<department DepartmentID="102">
<security AccessLevel="3" />
<employee Name="Luke" Surname="Perry" DateOfBirth="1995-12-01">
<department DepartmentID="104">
<security AccessLevel="1" />
As i said i found out that joining the view (here the table variable) one time per xml element is a solution:
-- declare @Employees table as above and then:
security.AccessLevel from @Employees employee
join @Employees department on department.DepartmentID = employee.DepartmentID
join @Employees security on security.AccessLevel = employee.AccessLevel
for xml auto
this produces the desired output.
Is this techniwue of multiple joins with for xml auto
valid or not?
Use @
in alias names to generate attributes
in xml
. Much simpler way to do this
Surname AS [@Surname],
DateOfBirth AS [@DateOfBirth],
DepartmentID AS [department/@DepartmentID],
AccessLevel AS [department/security/@AccessLevel]
FROM @Employees
FOR xml path('employee')
<employee Name="John" Surname="Doe" DateOfBirth="1980-01-31">
<department DepartmentID="100">
<security AccessLevel="5" />
<employee Name="Mary" Surname="Rose" DateOfBirth="1971-02-27">
<department DepartmentID="102">
<security AccessLevel="3" />
<employee Name="Luke" Surname="Perry" DateOfBirth="1995-12-01">
<department DepartmentID="104">
<security AccessLevel="1" />