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GPS application with downloadable Maps

I am looking for a map application with the following:

  • Windows based.
  • City/Town street maps are downloaded to computer (i.e. does not required a wireless internet connection to get the map images real-time).
  • Uses GPS on the computer via comport.
  • Allows me to visually track where I am on the map as I drive around.

We actually have written our own GPS application which uses ESRI shapefiles. Periodically we get complaints from customers saying the GPS is significantly "delayed" (i.e. the icon showing current location is 2-3 blocks behind the true location).

To help isolate whether it might be hardware related or our software, I would like to test alternative applications to see if they have the same delay.


  • I personally used Microsoft Streets and Trips on a couple of road trips. The mid-level package even comes with a GPS receiver.