I would like to denormalize many to many relationship in mysql. In order to import to MongoDB as Json format Schema.
I have 3 tables:
Movies : id, title, url
Genres : id, genre
movie_genres : movie_id, genre_id
movie Table
id title link
1 star wars http://link-to-imdb
2 shrek http://link-to-imdb
movie_genres Table
movie genre
1 1
2 1
genres Table
id genre
0 unknown
1 action
2 comedy
3 drama
I would like to transform it to a single table by moving genres into movies as array or multiple values.
There are quite a few limited number of genres (only 15).
So, Final output of table would be:
Movies : id, title, url, genre
Here, genre would be multiple values.
id title link genre
1 star wars http://link-to-imdb action, drama, sci-fi
2 shrek http://link-to-imdb anime
I did this - MySQL Query:
select M.id ,M.title ,M.release_date, M.video, M.IMDBURL, G.genre
from genres G, movie_genres MG, movies M
where M.id = MG.movie and MG.genre = G.id
but causes lot of repetition depending on number of genres. It would be nice If I could dump genres altogether.
In this cause you should use GROUP_CONCAT() function
SELECT movie.id, movie.title, movie.url, GROUP_CONCAT(g.genre SEPARATOR ', ') AS genres
FROM movie
LEFT JOIN movie_genres mg ON movie.id = mg.movie_id
LEFT JOIN genres g ON mg.genre_id = g.id
GROUP BY movie.id
I didn't test the query above (there could be some typos), but I hope you will be able to get the idea