I'm working with indesign and xml and I need, if possible, to associate element of xml to frame of indesign and get position of it
with applescript this is my simply code
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC"
set myDocument to active document
tell myDocument
set myTag to XML tag "aa"
tell XML element 1
set elementCount to (get count of XML Items)
repeat with x from 1 to elementCount
set elem1 to XML element x
tell contents of elem1
set tag to value of XML attribute "ean" of elem1
end tell
select elem1
/* here I try */
set rettangolo to contents of elem1
return geometric bounds of rettangolo as string
end repeat
end tell
and this script to get position when I select frame from indesign
set myDocument to active document
tell myDocument
set rettangolo to properties of item 1 of selection
set coordina to geometric bounds of rettangolo as string
display dialog coordina
end tell
How to associate element of first script to frame ?
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2017"
set myDocument to active document
tell myDocument
tell XML element 1
set elementCount to (get count of XML Items)
repeat with x from 1 to elementCount
set elem1 to XML element x
tell myDocument
set myTag to XML tag (value of XML attribute "ean" of elem1 as string)
set markup tag of elem1 to myTag
set myStory to parent story of elem1
set tf to item 1 of text containers of myStory
set gbs to geometric bounds of tf as string
display dialog gbs
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end tell
You should consider javascript ;)