I want to print out the name of my ads and the amount of clicks they have gotten. All my ads are in the $ads
foreach ($ads as $ad){
$adinsights = $ad->getInsights( array (
echo $ad->{AdFields::NAME}.PHP_EOL;
echo $adinsights->{AdsInsightsFields::INLINE_LINK_CLICKS}.PHP_EOL;
The code above only prints out the names of the ads.
resolves into an empty string ""
What am I doing wrong?
This function returns a collection of AdInsight objects, so you're going to have to iterate them to get the output:
foreach ($ads as $ad){
$adinsights = $ad->getInsights( array (
foreach($adinsights as $a){
echo $a->date_start . ' - ' . $a->date_stop . ': ' . $a->inline_link_clicks.PHP_EOL;