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Node.js Can't fulfill promise (Promise { <pending> })

I m new in asynchronous coding

I m using csvtojson library and I'm trying to convert a csv file and pass the result in an other module .

The convert() function looks like this:

convert: function (csvFilePath) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

    const options = { delimiter: ["|",","],
                      noHeader: true ,
                      headers: ["header1", "header2"]

    .on('end_parsed',(convertedJson) => {
    .on("done",(error) => {

My call:

const converter = require ("./converter")();

let json;
json = converter.convert("./importSample.csv");

When I execute the code I can see that the promise is still on pending state:

Promise { <pending> }

I think that I have to use the .then() function but I don't know where or how.


  • Promise has a fixed syntactical architecture. I'll explain it with a simple code.

    var x = new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
        //here you perform an asynchronous call
        resolve(value); //receive it in 'then' part of promise
        reject(error): //if your operation fails due to any error, you call reject, which is handled by 'catch' part of the promise.
        //this is the part which was called using resolve, and the value it receives is the value you passed as argument in resolve.
        //this part is called by reject. the error received is the value you passed inside the reject.

    So, your function should go something like-

        //here is your part of code which is to be handled synchronously after the promise is called.
         //in case any error occurs and you want your program to exit gracefully.