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Limit the results of a Swift array filter to X for performance

I have about 2000 elements in my array, and when it is filtered, I would like to end the filtering as soon as I have 5 elements in my filtered array.

Currently it is:

providerArray.filter({($0.lowercased().range(of:((row.value as? String)?.lowercased())!) != nil)})

which can return up to 2000 results which is a waste of processing, and time.

To be more clear, I need a solution that is equivalent to limiting the filter results like I can with coreData fetches [request setFetchLimit:5];


  • The fastest solution in terms of execution time seems to be an explicit loop which adds matching elements until the limit is reached:

    extension Sequence {
        public func filter(where isIncluded: (Iterator.Element) -> Bool, limit: Int) -> [Iterator.Element] {
            var result : [Iterator.Element] = []
            var count = 0
            var it = makeIterator()
            // While limit not reached and there are more elements ...
            while count < limit, let element = {
                if isIncluded(element) {
                    count += 1
            return result

    Example usage:

    let numbers = Array(0 ..< 2000)
    let result = numbers.filter(where: { $0 % 3 == 0 }, limit: 5)
    print(result) // [0, 3, 6, 9, 12]