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How to let ansible answer "yes" to everything sendmailconfig asks

I'm setting up a server with ansible, and I want to install and configure sendmail. To do this I first install it using apt, and then I need to run sendmailconfig AND asnwer y to all the questions it asks.

That last part is the hardest I think. sendmailconfig doesn't have a -y flag to answer yes to everything, so how do I get Ansible to simple agree to all questions it asks?


  • Just use the yes shell utility,

    yes 'y' | <command-name>
    #    ^^The repeated string being 'yes' as the OP had asked.

    From the man page,

           yes - output a string repeatedly until killed
           yes [STRING]...
           yes OPTION
           Repeatedly output a line with all specified STRING(s), or 'y'.