I want to add a costume annotation on lombok
to Generate another variable from one variable.
I want to create an annotation
with a Lombok
This annotation @selectOne
Private String client;
Now I want to add automatically variable who inject this code :
Private String client;
List <String> listClient;
List <String> selectClient;
It don't work when I add a type Element type variable to a List but it work when it like this :
Private String client;
List listClient;
List selectClient;
On lombok i used this code to generate variables:
JavacNode node;
JCExpression typeList =chainDots(node, "java", "util", "List");
this variable typeList type java.util.List
and I want that typeList
be a java.util.List<String>
I had found this solution
JCExpression testDeclarList =maker.TypeApply(chainDotsString(fieldNode, "java.util.List"), List.<JCExpression>of(genJavaLangTypeRef(fieldNode, "String")));