EDIT: My initial assumption was incorrect. It seemed like my test was hitting its assertions before it even finished running all of its code blocks, but what was really happening was, I was running my full test suite and I was getting the output from a different test that was hitting the same controller action. I ran the individual test below and found that I wasn't even hitting the controller. I had to correct my route in the test. All set now.
Rest of original post:
NOTE: to make things easier to read, this is NOT the complete code
My test with 'activerecord-import' gem
require 'rails_helper'
describe 'import property list data to database' do
puts "Enter test"
before(:each) do
visit 'importers#import_property_list'
let!(:first_cash_account) { FactoryGirl.build(:first_cash_account) }
let!(:last_cash_account) { FactoryGirl.build(:last_cash_account) }
let!(:first_entity) { FactoryGirl.build(:first_entity) }
let!(:last_entity) { FactoryGirl.build(:last_entity) }
context 'uploading property list file, causes data to be importet to database' do
it 'creates cash accounts' do
puts "hit first test"
expect(CashAccount.first.code).to eql(first_cash_account.code)
expect(CashAccount.last.code).to eql(last_cash_account.code)
it 'creates entities' do
puts "hit second test"
expect(Entity.first.name).to eql(first_entity.name)
expect(Entity.first.cash_account.code).to eql(first_cash_account.code)
expect(Entity.last.name).to eql(last_entity.name)
My controller ./app/controllers/importers_controller.rb
class ImportersController < ApplicationController
def index
def show
def import_property_list
puts "Enter import"
cash_accounts = []
excel = property_list_excel
(4..excel.last_row).each do |row|
code = eighth_col(excel, row)
cash_account = CashAccount.new(:code => code)
name = eleventh_col(excel, row)
name = remove_non_breaking_space(name)
cash_account.entities.build(:name => name)
cash_accounts << cash_account
CashAccount.import cash_accounts, recursive: true, :validates => false
puts "Finish import"
This is my output in my console
NOTE: the first test only passes because of my factory_girl's factory association which creates CashAccount records
Firstly, something that looked a little out of place: shouldn't this be in the before(:each) block? i normally don't leave set up code in the open like that.
let!(:first_cash_account) { FactoryGirl.build(:first_cash_account) }
let!(:last_cash_account) { FactoryGirl.build(:last_cash_account) }
let!(:first_entity) { FactoryGirl.build(:first_entity) }
let!(:last_entity) { FactoryGirl.build(:last_entity) }
Basically this is saying that there are no Entity records created. Where are you creating the entity records? in the block here: (4..excel.last_row).each do |row|
but is the block even running? Look to see whether there are any legitimate values in excel = property_list_excel
- please check that excel is not nil? and also check whether the block is actually looping through:
def import_property_list
puts "Enter import"
cash_accounts = []
excel = property_list_excel
(4..excel.last_row).each do |row|
code = eighth_col(excel, row)
puts "IT's ITERATING THROUGH*********************" # <----------------- add this line
cash_account = CashAccount.new(:code => code)
name = eleventh_col(excel, row)
name = remove_non_breaking_space(name)
cash_account.entities.build(:name => name)
cash_accounts << cash_account
CashAccount.import cash_accounts, recursive: true, :validates => false
puts "Finish import"
are you sure the link is actually visiting via this type of syntax: visit 'importers#import_property_list' ---> try using the named path or a proper url instead. I'm not sure you can use that syntax when visiting a webpage and that's probably your problem i think. e.g. try import_property_etc_etc_list_named_path –
that should help pinpoint the problem?