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Understanding the difference between EMC ECS and EMC ScaleIO

As per my understanding EMC ECS and ScaleIO applications are used for combining all the drives of the storage nodes in Data Center to form a pool of resources. I have googled out to find out more information on the similarities and differences b/w these two,but not able to get much info.

Looking for more info on, what are the differences in these products and what are the use cases for these applications ? Are these tools fall under the same category to compare and for what purpose these tools are serving ?


  • These two storage products solve different problems. I'll put it in very simple terms:

    ScaleIO is block-level storage. Every host in a cluster can function as both a compute and storage node. The nodes have direct attached storage. ScaleIO is installed on each host and pools the storage resources. It's a distributed and scale-out storage architecture. This type of storage is needed when running high performant applications that need high availability such as general applications and databases.

    ECS (Elastic Cloud Storage) is object based storage. It's analogous to running Amazon S3 on premise. So if you're application uses object storage to get media such as JPG/MOV/MPEG/DOC/XLS type of files, then this is what you want to use.