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Updating a PyQt QLabel when a QRadioButton associated with a QComboBox is toggled

I have a QPixmap within a QLabel that is changed based on a QComboBox selection. For example, the combobox may have a selection of fruits (e.g., 'apple', 'orange', 'banana'). If I choose 'apple' an image of an apple is displayed in the QLabel. I further want the image of the apple to change to a "special" image of an apple depending on whether a QRadioButton is toggled. Once I de-toggle the radio button the image should revert to the standard apple image. Currently I have it partially functional: if the radio button is toggled 'on' prior to selecting the combobox option, the image is displayed as desired; if, however, I toggle the radio button 'on' after selecting the combobox option only the standard image is displayed. Similarly, if I have the special image displayed and de-toggle the radio button, the image does not revert to the standard image.

I assume this has something to do with the "toggled()" method, but not sure how to implement it.

self.fruit_list = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana']

self.fruit_combo = QtGui.QComboBox()

self.btn = QtGui.QRadioButton("btn")

self.fruit_image = QtGui.QLabel(self)
self.grid.addWidget(self.fruit_image, 1, 1) 
                  self.image_update(self.fruit_combo, self.fruit_image, self.btn)

def image_update(self, qcombobox, qlabel, btn):
    image_path ="c :/images"
    current_item = str(qcombobox.currentText())
    if btn.isChecked():
       current_image = '%s/%s_special.jpg' %(image_path, current_item)
       current_image = '%s/%s.jpg' %(image_path, current_item)



  • @zachn, you are correct, the problem is concerning toggled- more specific, it is the toggled signal that you need to connect to:

    Try doing this:

    import partial
    self.btn.toggled.connect(partial (self.image_update, self.fruit_combo, self.fruit_lbl, self.btn))

    EDIT: for @furas, here is some sample code, where I did not use images, only text to show changes in the QLabel. Note that I kept the method name image_update() even though it should be text_update(). (I coded this in Qt5, if used in Qt4 replace QtWidgets with QtGui)

    class SomeFrame(object):
        def __init__(self):
            # Assets
            fruit_list = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana']
            # Creating content 
            self.frame = QtWidgets.QFrame()
            self.fruit_combo = QtWidgets.QComboBox()
            self.btn = QtWidgets.QRadioButton("btn")
            self.fruit_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel()
            # Creating Layout
            layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()
            # Initialize text in fruit_lbl
            self.image_update(self.fruit_combo, self.fruit_lbl, self.btn)
            # Connections
            self.fruit_combo.currentIndexChanged[str].connect(lambda: self.image_update(self.fruit_combo, self.fruit_lbl, self.btn))
            self.btn.toggled.connect(partial (self.image_update, self.fruit_combo, self.fruit_lbl, self.btn))
        def image_update(self, qcombobox, qlabel, btn):
            current_item = str(qcombobox.currentText())
            if btn.isChecked():
                new_text = 'CHECKED: %s' % current_item
                new_text = 'UNCHECKED: %s' % current_item
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
        import sys
        from functools import partial
        app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)         
        theFrame = SomeFrame()