The Class MainDocumentPart
(or to be correct the inherited from JaxbXmlPart
, but anyway...) of docx4j implements a method getXML()
which returns a String
with the XML code.
Now my question is: Is there also something that works the other way round - so that I have a given String
containing the XML code and be able to set the MainDocmentPart accordingly?
Assuming MainDocumentPart mdp, an example would be:
String openXML = "<w:document xmlns:w=\"\" >"
+ "<w:body>"
+ "<w:p>"
+ "<w:r>"
+ "<w:t>foo</w:t>"
+ "</w:r>"
+ "</w:p>"
+ "</w:body>"
+ "</w:document>";
Document document = (Document)XmlUtils.unmarshalString(openXML);
mdp.setContents(document );
You can also add content at specific locations in the content tree using unmarshalString. To do that you typically get a reference to the parent object, by traversal or XPath usually.