I'm trying to sort the singly circular linked list after each edit. But my code doesn't work. I based it on the selection sort algorithm. I've been doing this for hours but can't seem to get the correct code.
void editList(node *head, int value, int newValue)
node *traverser = head;
do {
traverser = traverser -> next;
}while(traverser -> data != value);
traverser -> data = newValue;
node *index;
node *selection;
node *temp = new node;
for(index = head; index -> next != head; index = index -> next) {
for(selection = head; selection -> next != head; selection = selection -> next) {
if(index -> data > selection -> data) {
temp -> data = index-> data;
index -> data = selection -> data;
selection -> data = temp -> data;
}//End of outer loop
}//End of sorting
}//End of editList()
When analyzing the provided source code, the proposed sort algorithm is very close to the expected 'selection sort algorithm'.
The two nested loop are present, but doing independent features.
Step 1 - performing a true nested loop by including condition from the first into the second loop.
To sort all the list, the selection starts from the next node of the index.
for(index = head; index -> next != head; index = index -> next) {
// start the selection from the index->next
for(selection = index->next; selection -> next != head; selection = selection -> next) {
if(index -> data > selection -> data) {
temp -> data = index-> data;
index -> data = selection -> data;
selection -> data = temp -> data;
}//End of outer loop
}//End of sorting
Bonus 1 - because the swap is only performed at the data
level, instead of using a temporary node, just use a integer.
// use just an integer
int temp;
temp = index-> data;
index -> data = selection -> data;
selection -> data = temp;
Instead of:
// allocated but never freed
node *temp = new node;
temp -> data = index-> data;
index -> data = selection -> data;
selection -> data = temp -> data;
Bonus 2 - for the first search part to localize the node having the int value
to be replaced, why not using the same loop structure to prevent a never-ending loop if no node has the searched value.
node *traverser;
// a ending loop to search a value into a circular-list
for(traverser = head; traverser->next != head; traverser = traverser -> next) {
if (traverser -> data == value) {
traverser -> data = newValue;
Instead of
node *traverser = head;
do {
traverser = traverser -> next;
}while(traverser -> data != value);
traverser -> data = newValue;