I have two C source files with lots of defines and I want to compare them to each other and filter out lines that do not match.
The grep (grep NO_BCM_ include/soc/mcm/allenum.h | grep -v 56440
) output of the first file may look like:
# if !defined(NO_BCM_5675_A0)
# if !defined(NO_BCM_88660_A0)
# if !defined(NO_BCM_2801PM_A0)
where grep (grep "define NO_BCM" include/sdk_custom_config.h
) of the second looks like:
#define NO_BCM_56260_B0
#define NO_BCM_5675_A0
#define NO_BCM_56160_A0
So now I want to find any type number in the braces above that are missing from the #define
below. How do I best go about this?
Thank you
You could use an awk
logic with two process-substitution handlers for grep
awk 'FNR==NR{seen[$2]; next}!($2 in seen)' FS=" " <(grep "define NO_BCM" include/sdk_custom_config.h) FS="[()]" <(grep NO_BCM_ include/soc/mcm/allenum.h | grep -v 56440)
# if !defined(NO_BCM_88660_A0)
# if !defined(NO_BCM_2801PM_A0)
The idea is the commands within <()
will execute and produce the output as needed. The usage of FS
before the outputs are to ensure the common entity is parsed with a proper-delimiter.
is to capture $2
as the unique field in second-group and FS=" "
for the default whitespace de-limiting on first group.
The core logic of awk
is identifying not repeating elements, i.e. FNR==NR
parses the first group storing the unique entries in $2
as a hash-map. Once all the lines are parsed, !($2 in seen)
is executed on the second-group which means filter those lines whose $2
from second-group is not present in the hash created.