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redux-form fields parameters are empty

I'm having some problems with redux-form, basically the parameters that handleSubmit pass to the function that it receives are empty...

Let me describe my files (I'll use a gist for clarity and for the sake of brevity):

  1. The stateless component
  2. The Container
  3. The reducer
  4. The renderLoginField

If you can see in this line: <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(this.onFormSubmit.bind(this))}>

And this ultra-simple function:

onFormSubmit(fields) {

Fields are empty, but the form reducer is active, and exists with registered fields:

enter image description here

Any idea?


  • Your renderLoginField function, which renders the custom field component (d'oh!) is not making use of the input prop.

    Here is the properly changed code for your renderLoginField function:

    const renderLoginField = ({icon, input, type, meta: { touched, error }}) => {
      let mailIcon = 'fa-envelope-o';
      let passIcon = 'fa-key';
      return (
        <div className='form-group input-group'>
          <span className='input-group-addon' id='email'>
            <i className={`fa ${icon === 'mail' ? mailIcon : passIcon}`} />
            { ...input } // <-- missing in your code!!
            placeholder={`Insert ${type}`}

    If you check the docs for <Field> component, you'll see the following statement, which describes how important it's to do that:

    Input Props

    The props under the input key are what connects your input component to Redux and are meant to be destructured into your <input/> component