I have a table in SQLYog where one column is varchar limit to 200 length. I wrote the method below for the insert, but when testing the code the column "Name" is not been filled by the data in the DB.
public void insert(final List<InfoRow> rows) {
String sql = "INSERT INTO info_table (ID, NAME, AGE) VALUES (?, SUBSTRING(?, 0, 200), ?)";
jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sql, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {
public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i)
throws SQLException {
InfoRow row= rows.get(i);
ps.setInt(1, (int) row.getId());
ps.setString(2, row.getName());
ps.setInt(3,(int) row.getAge());
public int getBatchSize() {
return rows.size();
What is the correct way to validate the 'Name' size while insert?
Substring expressions in MySQL (this is a guess based on the sqlyog tag) are 1 based, not 0 based. Try this instead:
SUBSTRING(?, 1, 200)
Generally, I would keep validation logic out of the database layer, and handle "bad input" in the application layer. This allows me to log the fact that data would be dropped/truncated.
But this approach is fine.