I have a solution structure as follows:
+---- Core.dll (PCL)
+---- CodeInjectionLogic (Inserts IL instruction on each type using Mono.Cecil for PCL)
+---- Core.dll (For Project Reference)
+---- CustomMSBuildTask.dll (Injects the code into the target.dll)
+ ---CodeInjectionTask
Applies CodeInjectionLogic on each Type to weave IL instruction
+---- Core.dll (For Project Reference)
+---- Target.dll (PCL)
+ <using Task CodeInjectionTask....>
The locking issue for CustomMSBuildTask.dll is solved by copying all dlls on a temporary director as a BeforeBuild event.
Building TargetSolution which contains the Target assembly and using Mono.Cecil I am able to read the Target.dll modify the types and insert the IL instruction but when I try to write the modified stream back using Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefiniyion.Write() I always get an error from MSBuild
The process cannot access Target.dll because it is being used by another process. Which I assume is the MSBuild itself.
Any pointers on how can I use Mono.Ceeil and PCL to weave a target assembly that is being built using custom MSBuild AfterBuild target.
Ok, i asked this to Jb Evain and based on his comments I am going to answer my own question.
This is due to the breaking change in latest version of Cecil (0.10 Beta) http://cecil.pe/post/149243207656/mono-cecil-010-beta-1
If we are reading and writing to same file then we have to update the code as below.
// ReaderParameters { ReadWrite = true } is necessary to later write the file
using (var module = ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(file, new ReaderParameters { ReadWrite = true }))
// Modify the assembly
module.Write (); // Write to the same file that was used to open the file