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Locked Target Assembly with Mono.Cecil and PCL Code Injection

I have a solution structure as follows:

+---- Core.dll (PCL)
       +---- CodeInjectionLogic (Inserts IL instruction on each type using Mono.Cecil for PCL)

+---- Core.dll  (For Project Reference)
+---- CustomMSBuildTask.dll  (Injects the code into the target.dll)
      + ---CodeInjectionTask 
           Applies CodeInjectionLogic on each Type to weave IL instruction

 +---- Core.dll  (For Project Reference)
 +---- Target.dll (PCL)
       +  <using Task CodeInjectionTask....>  

The locking issue for CustomMSBuildTask.dll is solved by copying all dlls on a temporary director as a BeforeBuild event.

Building TargetSolution which contains the Target assembly and using Mono.Cecil I am able to read the Target.dll modify the types and insert the IL instruction but when I try to write the modified stream back using Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefiniyion.Write() I always get an error from MSBuild

The process cannot access Target.dll because it is being used by another process. Which I assume is the MSBuild itself.

Any pointers on how can I use Mono.Ceeil and PCL to weave a target assembly that is being built using custom MSBuild AfterBuild target.


  • Ok, i asked this to Jb Evain and based on his comments I am going to answer my own question.

    This is due to the breaking change in latest version of Cecil (0.10 Beta)

    If we are reading and writing to same file then we have to update the code as below.

    // ReaderParameters { ReadWrite = true } is necessary to later write the file
    using (var module = ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(file, new ReaderParameters { ReadWrite = true })) 
         // Modify the assembly
         module.Write (); // Write to the same file that was used to open the file