I get this warning
Non-standard file/directory found at top level:
when building my package, even there is the recommendation of creating this folder to create package data http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/data.html#data-sysdata
Any comments on that or do I need a specific setting to get rid of this message.
When used, data-raw
should be added to .Rbuildignore
. As explained in the Data section of Hadley's R-Packages book (also linked in the question)
Often, the data you include in
is a cleaned up version of raw data you’ve gathered from elsewhere. I highly recommend taking the time to include the code used to do this in the source version of your package. This will make it easy for you to update or reproduce your version of the data. I suggest that you put this code indata-raw/
. You don’t need it in the bundled version of your package, so also add it to.Rbuildignore
. Do all this in one step with:usethis::use_data_raw()