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Fmx TStringGrid row color

I have a problem in Delphi 10.1 in a multi-device application (on Windows). I have a StringGrid (connected to a db) and I can change background color of row, but the problem is there is a "padding" (in grey/silver) between cells.

In onformCreate I define:

stringgrid1.DefaultDrawing := False;

This is my code:

procedure Tlist_form.StringGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject;
  const Canvas: TCanvas; const Column: TColumn; const Bounds: TRectF;
  const Row: Integer; const Value: TValue; const State: TGridDrawStates);
   var aRowColor: TBrush;
  aRowColor := Tbrush.Create(TBrushKind.Solid,TAlphaColors.Alpha);

  if (stringgrid1.Cells[7,row]='1') then 
        aRowColor.Color := TAlphaColors.Green
      aRowColor.Color := TAlphaColors.Red;

    Canvas.FillRect(Bounds, 0, 0, [], 1, aRowColor);
    Column.DefaultDrawCell(Canvas, Bounds, Row, Value, State);;


In Delphi 6 I've never had this problem, and I don't know how to fix-it. Thank you.


  • Solution 1 (at design time):

    For each StringColumn locate the Padding property and change all values from 3 to 0.

    Solution 2 (at run time):

    Add a TRectF to local vars. Assign it the value of Bounds and Inlfate() it. The modified OnDrawColumnCell() looks like this:

    procedure TForm30.StringGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject;
      const Canvas: TCanvas; const Column: TColumn; const Bounds: TRectF;
      const Row: Integer; const Value: TValue; const State: TGridDrawStates);
      aRowColor: TBrush;
      aNewRectF: TRectF;
      aRowColor := TBrush.Create(TBrushKind.Solid, TAlphaColors.Alpha);
      if (StringGrid1.Cells[7, Row] = '1') then
        aRowColor.Color := TAlphaColors.Green
        aRowColor.Color := TAlphaColors.Red;
      aNewRectF := Bounds;
      aNewRectF.Inflate(3, 3);
      Canvas.FillRect(aNewRectF, 0, 0, [], 1, aRowColor);
      Column.DefaultDrawCell(Canvas, Bounds, Row, Value, State);

    The grid looks like this with both solutions:

    enter image description here

    To also remove the lines between the cells, untick ColLines and RowLines in the grids Options.