Problem: Flask app being built with Pybuilder needs Coverage to exclude during the build to get rid of the warn message and impact on coverage percentage
[WARN] Module 'run' was not imported by the covered tests
[WARN] Test coverage below 70% for run: 0%
(env3)$ python3
PyBuilder version 0.11.9
Build started at 2017-01-23 12:48:03
[INFO] Building myproject version
[INFO] Executing build in /Users/zzzz/Documents/Projects/myproject
[INFO] Going to execute tasks: clean, install_dependencies, analyze, publish
[INFO] Removing target directory /Users/zzzz/Documents/Projects/myproject/target
[INFO] Installing all dependencies
[INFO] Running unit tests
[INFO] Executing unit tests from Python modules in /Users/zzzz/Documents/Projects/myproject/src/unittest/python
[INFO] Executed 14 unit tests
[INFO] All unit tests passed.
[INFO] Executing flake8 on project sources.
[INFO] Collecting coverage information
[WARN] coverage_branch_threshold_warn is 0 and branch coverage will not be checked
[WARN] coverage_branch_partial_threshold_warn is 0 and partial branch coverage will not be checked
[INFO] Running unit tests
[INFO] Executing unit tests from Python modules in /Users/zzzz/Documents/Projects/myproject/src/unittest/python
[INFO] Executed 14 unit tests
[INFO] All unit tests passed.
[WARN] Module 'run' was not imported by the covered tests
BUILD FAILED - Build aborted
Build finished at 2017-01-23 12:48:16
Build took 12 seconds (12694 ms)
[WARN] Test coverage below 70% for run: 0%
[WARN] Test coverage below 70% for run: 0%
[WARN] Test coverage below 70% for app.mod_upload: 21%
[WARN] Test coverage below 70% for app.mod_upload: 21%
[INFO] Overall coverage is 79%
[INFO] Overall coverage branch coverage is 66%
[INFO] Overall coverage partial branch coverage is 77%
[INFO] Overall coverage is 79%
[INFO] Overall coverage branch coverage is 66%
[INFO] Overall coverage partial branch coverage is 77%
Question: I could have used answer here , but coverage executed by pybuild, not by myself from command line, so --omit solution does not quite applicable, which creates the issue. Could someone please advise?
Found the answer! Solution: in (part of pybuilder project) add:
def set_properties(project):
project.set_property("coverage_exceptions", ['run',])
list could be expanded with other modules as needed.