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Assigning values to the an array after using Compare-Object

I have been trying to assign values of Compare-Object results but i am getting additional informations on the output.

Here is the code:

$a = (dir C:\_pc\*).BaseName
$b = (dir C:\Users\username\Documents\folder\Jezyki\*).BaseName
$c = (Compare-Object -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent $a $b)
foreach ($element in $c) {
Write-Output ($c)

Example output of runing this script:

@{InputObject=FolderName; SideIndicator===}


  • Try the -PassThru switch for Compare-Object. It will output the strings. If the object was an object, it would append sideindicator as an extra property.


    $c = Compare-Object -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent $a $b -PassThru

    Also, if you would like to keep the original FileInfo-object, you could specify -Property Basename to compare that value only without throwing away the rest of the object. Ex.

    $c = Compare-Object (dir C:\_pc\*) (dir C:\Users\username\Documents\folder\Jezyki\*) -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent -Property Basename -PassThru