I'm having problems deleting a file from a higher directory, I found this post and tried it but no luck....:
gotdalife at gmail dot com 25-Sep-2008 02:04
To anyone who's had a problem with the permissions denied error, it's sometimes caused when you try to delete a file that's in a folder higher in the hierarchy to your working directory (i.e. when trying to delete a path that starts with "../").
So to work around this problem, you can use chdir() to change the working directory to the folder where the file you want to unlink is located.
> $old = getcwd(); // Save the current directory
> chdir($path_to_file);
> unlink($filename);
> chdir($old); // Restore the old working directory ?>
here is the code that I currently have:
if (!isset($_SESSION['agent']) OR ($_SESSION['agent'] !=md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))){
require_once ('includes/login_functions.inc.php');
$url = absolute_url();
header("Location: $url");
$folder = $_GET['folder'];
$filename = $_GET['name'];
$path = "../gallery/photos/$folder";
if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
if ($_POST['sure'] == 'Yes') {
$old = getcwd(); // Save the current directory
chdir($old); // Restore the old working directory
echo '<p>The photo has NOT been deleted.</p>';
I'm getting the error message :
Warning: unlink() [function.unlink]: No error in J:\xampp\htdocs\bunker\admin\delete_file.php on line 37
line 37 being:
can anybody see what I've done wrong?
I always use absolute filepath names.
I'd define the filedir as a constant in your config, then concatenate so you have an absolute filepath, then make a call to unlink().
Btw: I hope you know your code is highly insecure.