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Using cfqueryparam with a ColdFusion HQL query

I am using a HQL query to get a bunch of state objects like so:

<cfquery name="LOCAL.qStates" dbtype="hql">
    from States where countryID = #ARGUMENTS.countryID#
    order by name asc

This works fine. However, I was brought up well and I want to use cfqueryparam, ideally like so:

<cfquery name="LOCAL.qStates" dbtype="hql">
    from States 
    where countryID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#ARGUMENTS.countryID#" />
    order by name asc

But this throws an error:

[empty string] java.lang.NullPointerException at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractQueryImpl.verifyParameters( at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractQueryImpl.verifyParameters( at org.hibernate.impl.QueryImpl.list( at coldfusion.orm.hibernate.HibernatePersistenceManager._executeHQL( at coldfusion.orm.hibernate.HibernatePersistenceManager.executeHQL( at ....

Anyone know how to get around this and use cfqueryparam with cfquery HQL queries?

Thanks in advance!


  • I got to the bottom of this.

    My States object was setup like so:

      <cfcomponent output="false" persistent="true">
          <cfproperty name="stateID" type="numeric" fieldType="id" generator="identity" />
          <cfproperty name="name" type="string" />
          <cfproperty name="alphaCode" type="string" />
          <!--- Relationships --->
          <cfproperty name="country" type="array" fieldtype="many-to-one" cfc="Countries" fkcolumn="countryID" lazy="true" />

    When using the <cfqueryparam> tag Hibernate was perhaps trying to map the number I was passing in as an array and failing thus throwing an error.

    If I remove the relationship from the property like so:

    <cfproperty name="countryID" type="numeric" />

    ...then it works.