Settingup session variable.!
<div class="col-md-12">
<?php if(isset($_SESSION['profile_updated'])){ ?>
<div class="confirmationmsgssg">Profile Updated successfully.</div>
<?php unset($_SESSION['profile_updated']); } ?>
<h3>Your personal info</h3>
I am trying to show the alert message by using session..
Actually this is a enhancement project i can not change the whole code because it is there in a lot pages
What actually happening with the code is first it is check in the view page like if $_SESSION['profile_updated']
is there show the message and it will automatically disappear after 3 second .. when i refresh the page that message should not appear because i have not updated anything for that i have to use unset..
It is working fine if i remove
this unset. but when i add this I don't why it is not working
i have checked everywhere session_start();
is in my first line of php
What could be the possible error..?
I have tried with ob_start();
Didn't worked..!
Clear the cookies and it has to work everything is right.
<div class="col-md-12">
<?php if(isset($_SESSION['profile_updated'])){ ?>
<div class="confirmationmsgssg">Profile Updated successfully.</div>
<?php unset($_SESSION['profile_updated']); } ?>
<h3>Your personal info</h3>