I am using NI Labview FPGA to compile and synthesise a design onto the FPGA and have encountered the following error:
LabVIEW FPGA: The compilation failed due to a Xilinx error.
ERROR:Portability:3 - This Xilinx application has run out of memory or has encountered a memory conflict. Current memory usage is 4025524 kb. You can try increasing your system's physical or virtual memory. If you are using a Win32 system, you can increase your application memory from 2GB to 3GB using the /3G switch in your boot.ini file. For more information on this, please refer to Xilinx Answer Record #14932. For technical support on this issue, please visit http://www.xilinx.com/support.
Process "Synthesize - XST" failed
INFO:TclTasksC:1850 - process run : Synthesize - XST is done.
Compilation Time
Date submitted: 17/01/2017 15:41
Date results were retrieved: 17/01/2017 17:01
Time waiting in queue: 00:11
Time compiling: 01:19:20
- Generate Xilinx IP: 00:00
- Estimate Resources - PlanAhead: 03:04
- Synthesize - XST: 01:14:54
Does this mean the cloud compile server is running out of memory? Or is my local computer running out of memory?
I assume it is the local computer. How might I get around this such that I can compile my design?
After talking with an NI engineer it appears that my design was just too large for the FPGA and the cloud compile server is only designed to support compilation of designs which could actually fit on their FPGAs, 4GB of Ram appears to be all you should need to compile a design onto any NI provdided FPGA.