I am having difficulty finding a proper solution to paste my input into a input field. I am using the library Xdo.
What am i doing ?
The Python file is running in the backend.
The program fetches data from a Smart card.
Data returned are numerical / English and Thai.
Then in browser, when I click to a input button, then the values are to be pasted in to the input button.
What is the issue?
The numerical data (ID card/ Birthday ) is printed correctly in the browser.
The thai texts are giving trouble. They are not inserted or partially inserted sometimes.
*This used to work in **windows machine but I was using a different library (SendKeys for windows program). But using Xdo on linux is giving me trouble.***
Following is my sample code
from xdo import Xdo
xdo = Xdo()
res = convert_data(resultlist)
title_th = res['title_th']
fname_th = res['fname_th']
lname_th = res['lname_th']
birthday = res['birthday']
address = res['address']
win_id = xdo.get_focused_window()
xdo.enter_text_window(win_id, res['id'])
The Following is a sample image.
As you can see, some Thai texts are partially entered and others are skipped.
Looking for any suggestions, or any alternatives to my current solution is highly appreciated.
I managed to solve the above issue without depending on Python libxdo tools.
I have managed to solve by using command line xdotool and xsel .
Check this link for detailed information SOLVED