I'm currently trying to fit a set of (positive) data with the powerlaw.Fit() function from the powerlaw package. However, every single time I do this I obtain the following message:
<powerlaw.Fit at 0x25eac6d3e80>
which I've been trying to figure out what it means for ages, but obviously without success. Another issue that I've been facing is that whenever I plot my CCDF using
and my PDF using
with my data, I only obtain a plot for the CCDF but nothing for the PDF. Why are all of these things happening? My data is within a NumPy array and looks as follows:
array([ 9.90857053e-06, 3.45336391e-05, 4.06757403e-05, ...,
6.91411789e-02, 6.92511375e-02, 7.45046008e-02])
I doubt there is any kind of issue with my data, since, as I said, I get the plot for the CCDF more than fine. Any kind of help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance. (Edit: the data is composed of 1908 non-integer values)
It probably helps to read the documentation. http://pythonhosted.org/powerlaw/
is a class, so when you call powerlaw.Fit(...)
, you will get an object with associated methods. Save the object in a variable, then pull the results you want from it. For example:
results = powerlaw.Fit(data)
The 'message' you are getting is just a placeholder for the Fit
object that is created.