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Clojure- filter complex vector

I have been trying to filter complex vector like that

(def mySymbolT [[:name "salary" :type "string" :kind "static" :index 0]
  [:name "money" :type "string" :kind "static" :index 1] 
  [:name "count" :type "int" :kind "field" :index 0]])

My goal is to return the quantity of elements that has the same kind: For example, for kind "static" I expect 2 as an answer. So far I got to write this:

(defn countKind [symbolTable kind]
  (count(map first(filter #(= (:kind %) kind) symbolTable))))

Its not working. I must say that I'm new to Clojure and I dont understand well how filter goes with map, so I will be glad to hear explanations. (Yes, I have read the documentation about map and filter, still explanations missing for me, especially when I try to apply to large vectors.)


  • Your data would be better expressed as an array of maps than of vectors:

    (def your-table [{:name "salary", :type "string", :kind "static", :index 0}
                     {:name "money", :type "string", :kind "static", :index 1} 
                     {:name "count", :type "int", :kind "field", :index 0}])

    You can get there from here by ...

    (def your-table
      (mapv (partial apply array-map) mySymbolT))

    Now we can

    • use the keyword :kind as a function to extract those values, and
    • the core function frequencies to return what you ask.

    For example ...

    (frequencies (map :kind your-table))
    ;{"static" 2, "field" 1}

    By the way, the Clojure idiom is to hyphenate words in a symbol: my-symbol-t instead of mySymbolT.