I need a policy to create trees in a tournament.
So, In my treeController@store, I have:
if (Auth::user()->cannot('generateTree', new Tree(),$tournament)) {
throw new AuthorizationException();
And my corresponding policy is :
public function generateTree(Tree $tree, Tournament $tournament )
return ($tournament->user_id == Auth::user()->id);
And I get a :
Type error: Argument 1 passed to App\Policies\TreePolicy::generateTree() must be an instance of App\Tree, instance of App\User given, called in /laravel/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Auth/Access/Gate.php on line 382
What am I missing???
EDIT : In response to @andonovn,
I tried it with :
public function store(User $user, Tree $tree, Tournament $tournament)
if (Auth::user()->cannot('generateTree', Tree::class,$tournament)) {
throw new AuthorizationException();
--> it gives me a 403
$this->authorize('store', $tournament,Tree::class);
--> it doesn't enter the dd();
The only way I found it to work is putting the Policy content in the controller which is not so nice:
if ($tournament->user_id != Auth::user()->id){
throw new AuthorizationException();
EDIT 2 : I solve it with that:
In controller :
if (Auth::user()->cannot('store', [Tree::class,$tournament])) {
throw new AuthorizationException();
In policy
public function store(User $user, Tournament $tournament)
return ($tournament->user_id == $user->id);
I believe the first argument of generateTree() must be the authenticated user. Try changing it to public function generateTree(User $user, Tree $tree, Tournament $tournament )
Also change the cannot method to Auth::user()->cannot('generateTree', [Tree::class, $tournament])
(combine the 2nd and 3rd parameters in array, seems like Laravel is always expecting 2 arguments where the 2nd one can be array)