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CNTK Distributed Crash - Beta 7

I am running a variation of the CIFAR 10 distributed to utilize my data.

I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 158, in <module>
    checkpoint_path = "C:/projects/RoboLabs/CognitiveServices/ML_Models/DocSuite/Doc_Classify/checkpoints/CNTK_VGG9")
  File "", line 80, in train_and_evaluate
    trainer.save_checkpoint(os.path.join(checkpoint_path + "_{}.dnn".format(current_epoch)))
  File "C:\local\Anaconda3-4.1.1-Windows-x86_64\envs\cntk-py34\lib\site-packages\cntk\", line 138, in save_checkpoint
    super(Trainer, self).save_checkpoint(filename, _py_dict_to_cntk_dict(external_state))
  File "C:\local\Anaconda3-4.1.1-Windows-x86_64\envs\cntk-py34\lib\site-packages\cntk\", line 1774, in save_checkpoint
    return _cntk_py.Trainer_save_checkpoint(self, *args)
RuntimeError: Runtime exception

The code I am using for the training loop with checkpoints is here:

while updated:
    data=train_reader.next_minibatch(minibatch_size, input_map=input_map) # fetch minibatch.
    updated=trainer.train_minibatch(data)                                 # update model with it
    progress_printer.update_with_trainer(trainer, with_metric=True)       # log progress
    epoch_index = int(trainer.total_number_of_samples_seen/epoch_size)
    if current_epoch != epoch_index:                                      # new epoch reached
    if current_epoch % 25 == 0:
        trainer.save_checkpoint(os.path.join(checkpoint_path + "_{}.dnn".format(current_epoch)))

Insights welcome. I am actively debugging.


  • This appears to be resolved in the latest version which performs check pointing in a different manner. Solution is to upgrade your CNTK version. Use the session apis which begin in version 9.