Search code examples

SQL Query to parse survey results

First off, I have attempted to search for an answer, but honestly don't know exactly what to search for...

I have a dataset I've imported into SQL Server and need to get usable data from it. Here's the format...

Teacher     Period    Question1    Question2    Question3
Jane Doe    1         Agree        Agree        Strongly Agree
Jane Doe    2         Disagree     Agree        Agree
John Doe    2         Agree        Disagree     Agree
John Doe    4         Disagree     Agree        Strongly Disagree
Jane Doe    3         Agree        Agree        Agree

and so on... What I need is to be able to return a count of Jane Doe's different answers for Question1, Question2, etc. I need to return for Jane's Question1, there are 2 Agrees and 1 Disagree. I need this for multiple teachers.

I have tried using GROUP BY but I must not be doing something right. I've tried variations of:

SELECT Teacher, COUNT(Q1) AS Q1Result, COUNT(Q2) AS Q2Result
FROM Survey
GROUP BY Teacher, Q1, Q2

Thanks for your help!


So, this is the query that ended up getting me what I needed. My data needed to be unpivoted I believe to make this much easier. This is the query that got me what I was looking for...

SELECT s.Teacher,
       COUNT(CASE WHEN val = 'Strongly Agree' THEN 1 END) StronglyAgreeCount,
       COUNT(CASE WHEN val = 'Agree' THEN 1 END) AgreeCount,
       COUNT(CASE WHEN val = 'Neutral' THEN 1 END) NeutralCount,
       COUNT(CASE WHEN val = 'Disagree' THEN 1 END) DisagreeCount,
       COUNT(CASE WHEN val = 'Strongly Disagree' THEN 1 END)     StronglyDisagreeCount
FROM   PCSSSurvey s 
       CROSS APPLY (VALUES(s.Q1, 'Question01'),(s.Q2, 'Question02'),(s.Q3, 'Question03'),(s.Q4, 'Question04'),(s.Q5, 'Question05'),(s.Q6, 'Question06'),(s.Q7, 'Question07'),(s.Q8, 'Question08'),(s.Q9, 'Question09'),(s.Q10, 'Question10'),(s.Q11, 'Question11'),(s.Q12, 'Question12'),(s.Q13, 'Question13')) q(val,question)
GROUP BY s.Teacher, q.Question
ORDER BY s.Teacher, q.Question


  • You could do something like this to get counts for all options per question.

    SELECT s.Teacher,
           COUNT(CASE WHEN val = 'Agree' THEN 1 END) AgreeCount,
           COUNT(CASE WHEN val = 'Strongly Agree' THEN 1 END) StronglyAgreeCount,
           COUNT(CASE WHEN val = 'Disagree' THEN 1 END) DisagreeCount,
           COUNT(CASE WHEN val = 'Strongly Disagree' THEN 1 END) StronglyDisagreeCount
    FROM   Survey s 
           CROSS APPLY (VALUES(s.Question1, 'Question1'),(s.Question2, 'Question2'),(s.Question3, 'Question3')) q(val,question)
    GROUP BY s.Teacher, q.Question
    ORDER BY s.Teacher, q.Question
    Teacher  Question  AgreeCount  StronglyAgreeCount DisagreeCount StronglyDisagreeCount
    -------- --------- ----------- ------------------ ------------- ---------------------
    Jane Doe Question1 2           0                  1             0
    Jane Doe Question2 3           0                  0             0
    Jane Doe Question3 2           1                  0             0
    John Doe Question1 1           0                  1             0
    John Doe Question2 1           0                  1             0
    John Doe Question3 1           0                  0             1